It is a well known fact that only high amounts of Resveratrol actually deliver impressive benefits. Sisel uses nanotechnology to make each serving of Eternity up to 250 times more available than encapsulated Resveratrol. It would take 250 glasses of red wine to equal one serving of Eternity. There are 65,000 micrograms in a serving of Eternity Vs. 90 in a glass of wine on average.

Normally dormant genes in our DNA, called sirtuins, play a role in the aging process by revitalizing the genes of youthfulness.
These genes may be reactivated through resveratrol, a powerful type of antioxidant in red wine. You can see evidence of this in a phenomenon called "The French Paradox". The French, who drink more red wine, have less heart disease, despite a diet high in saturated fats, Harvard University scientists found.
When Medicinal Amounts Of Resveratrol Are Consumed Science Has Proven Resveratrol significantly reduced oxidative stress levels in the brain. In 7 days regeneration activity in the brain increased by 100% & regeneration of muscles, tissues and organs increased by 200%!
Regenerate Mitochondria which create the body’s energy at the cellular level. Mitochondria are damaged by oxidation as we age, thus diminishing our energy and vitality & is directly linked to accelerated aging and disease.
Resveratrol Also Creates More Mitochondria! In a study on resveratrol, scientists reported an INCREASE in the number of mitochondria and enhanced motor activity levels.
With the micellization process Eternity is the best trans resveratrol on the market & effectively delivers vulnerable ingredients to the body by converting the hard to absorb nutrients into very small particles. Micellization renders molecules small enough to pass through the pores of a Styrofoam cup!
This size allows the molecules to penetrate directly into the cell of our body. In the Micellized liquid form, the human body’s absorption rate of nutrients is up to 5 times more effective than capsules or pills. The liquid goes directly into your cells instead of being destroyed in the digestive system and by the liver when it enters the blood and lymphatic system.
This Nano-Sized Liquid Formula Is Designed To Potentially Increase Resveratrol’s Absorption By 250 Times Over Encapsulated Resveratrol!
Hold Eternity In The Mouth For 60 Seconds For Maximum Nano Benefits Sisel’s Proprietary Liquid Delivery System Is Designed To Protect The Resveratrol Blend Through The Entire Digestive Process And Greatly Enhance Its Absorption Into The Very Cells That Utilize It.
Over 4200 published studies provide resveratrol results from clinical studies performed around the world. In comparison to the few PubMed (National Institute of Health) studies on other various fruits/ingredients such as: Noni 110 – Mangosteen 96 – Acai 56 – Goji 69 – Amalaki 3 – Moringa 164
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