Extracts from Tom Mowers discussion on AGE Reversal. Ref. August 2019
“The thing that is happening in this world is we’re so highly contaminated with so many toxins and foods now are so nutritionally deficient. We are not getting the nutrition we need for our body to function well. We have toxins that are oxidizing or destroying our systems and we have a big fight on our hands and we’re ill-equipped to do it.
So with medicines based upon the fact of creasing symptoms generally not finding a cure because you find a cure you lose a customer that’s how big Parma and medicine ceases, I believe
When you’re thinking about how long you’re going to live for longevity it’s just really not a factor. Maybe even mid-20s people aren’t thinking about it but by the time they’re 30 many people are because they’ve seen their systems degrade over 30 years of use. With that where you’re in the toxic environment and just like with skin care products you get 60% of all the toxins in your body come from skin and hair care products personal care products you use.
So that never used to exist and cancer used to be rare. They just did a study on 10,000 mummies around the world they found only one died of cancer. The University of Manchester in England they said so cancers a man-made.
I believe that is true too it’s like steel will rust with water. It’s the same thing with the same exact principle only with different types of chemicals reacting in your body.
But your body does have the ability to repair regenerate and live to a great length of life. However if you can remove the toxins and provide specific nutraceuticals or nutrients that the body needs to function properly, well that sounds pretty wise, doesn’t it?
I just didn’t think of that. It was said three-four thousand years ago and printed in the Yellow Emperor’s book which is 5000 years ago. So that philosophy is truer today than it even was then by far so we have an opportunity here now for people that are their eyes are opening.
They see the wrinkles they see hair loss they see deterioration in the skin. They see oral problems and as they’re getting older vision problems. Things start to happen but they don’t just happen straight away they happen because of a cumulative effect that has been going on in their body.
I think people could say, I want to tell you something very important about your health, and you can do this to a total stranger. I want to tell you something, the longer you live the older you’re going to get and you haven’t any choice you’re just in a state of deterioration even if you are eating healthy. Your last ten or fifteen years are going to be horrible.
They’re not going to be the golden years they’re really the terrible years of your life but it doesn’t have to be. Therefore you have a choice now. You have a choice because of the biochemistry of the human body and nutrition and other related factors.
So now you have a choice. You have all the biological factors in your body you did when you were young, so how about if we could restore many of those to close to where you look and feel 15, 18, 20 years old.
But now what we can do is we can step backward in time and grow younger live longer, grow younger, now that sounds like Fantasyland but ask Harvard Medical School ask the Mayo Clinic if that’s true!
Your stem cells wear out they become dormant now actually the body is trying to get rid of them the immune system is. But by the time that’s happening you have got a lot of stem cells that have gone senescent.
Let’s say you’re 40 years old well about that 40 years old you’ve got about 50% of your stem cells that are no longer functioning that’s just an estimate but that means 50% are working, and they’re not working as well as they did when you’re 20.
50% are not working and that ratio continues to increase to where when you get in your 60s you’re down to 5 or 10% activity stem cell activity. 90- 95 % we estimate in dormancy or there senescent. So now you don’t have many stem cells and the ones that are there that are functioning are not functioning well.
So now we have a chance to spin it on his head and turn it around. This is because our god-given biology can be fed with super nutrients super nutraceuticals they call them natural medicines that allow support to the body’s biological functions”. Tom Mower, Sr. CEO Sisel International

The human body, like everything in nature, causes our admiration for the perfection with
which it is made and works. It consists of 100 trillion cells, 22 internal organs and 200 muscles that perform the commands of the brain...

Very Impressive Results from my Eye Exam Today: My Eye Doctor found No Aging of my eyes and No Degeneration in my vision from aging!
From the Desk of Bill DeFalco - Wednesday, Sept 5th, 2018
Great NEWS from my Eye Doctor Visit today (Wed – Sept 5th 2018). Since my last eye exam 5 years ago in 2013 at age 62 (at which time I had been on Sisel’s Advanced Nutritional Products for 4 years) – now, after 9 years on Sisel’s Advanced Products, including one year on The A.G.E. PILL - my eye doctor was very excited to report that he observed No Signs of Aging in either of my eyes!
Aging of the eyes and degradation of vision over time are things that my doctor stated that he normally observes in all of his other patients. But in my case, my eyeglass prescription from 5 years ago Did Not Need to be updated to compensate for the “normal” aging of the eyes and the “normal” deterioration of vison due to aging because, as my doctor told me – that he was very impressed to observe absolutely No Aging of my eyes, since he’s last examined them 5 years ago!
My doctor based his findings on my eye exam, my vision testing, and on the FUNDUS Eye Scan that I had at this visit. At my previous eye exam 5 years ago, when I was fitted for new eyeglasses my doctor told me back then that the strength of the eye glasses need to correct my eyesight to 20/20 vision was much lower than what would normally be required for a 62 year old person. Additionally at that visit, my doctor was very impressed with the results of my FUNDUS eye scan as well.
A FUNDUS Eye Scan is a Computerized Medical Diagnostic Eye Scanning System that captures very high-resolution images of the interior of the eyes - from which many numerous health assessments can be made. In addition to being able to detect vision abnormalities, including cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration, among many other irregularities in the eye, a FUNDUS Eye Scan also provides a detailed diagnosis of an individual’s overall health, as it can detect the signs of high blood pressure, hypertension, coronary artery disease, and diabetes.
And just like the FUNDUS Eye Scan that I had at my last visit 5 years ago, this FUNDUS Eye Scan once again greatly impressed my doctor, as he again observed no eye abnormalities, and no signs of high blood pressure, hypertension, coronary artery disease, or diabetes. In fact, he brought up my FUNDUS Eye Scans from 2013 on the screen, and put them alongside the scans I had at this visit – and they looked identical!
Once again – here is Medically Documented Proof of how the exceptional Sisel Products are without question, the World’s Most Scientifically Advanced Products!
Kind regards,
Bill DeFalco
The Biggest Opportunity that we'll ever see in our Lifetimes is looking at all of us - Right in our Eyes!
From the Desk of Bill DeFalco - Monday, September 10, 2018
The next time you go for an Eye Exam - I highly recommend that you see an Ophthalmologist (not an Optometrist) and make sure that the Ophthalmologist (an M.D.) who you set your appointment with has a special High-Resolution Eye Scanning System that can provide a FUNDUS Eye Scan.
Though you may have to pay a small charge out of your pocket for it of around $45 it is well worth it, because this simple, quick and painless scan of your eyes not only provides a comprehensive diagnosis of your eye health - but the high-resolution images also provide a great deal of important diagnostic information about your overall health as well.
Here is a FUNDUS Eye Scan of a normal healthy left eye - showing no eye abnormalities and no other health issues, including no signs of high blood pressure, hypertension, coronary artery disease, or diabetes. This is what my FUNDUS Eye Scans look like:

Below is a FUNDUS Eye Scan of the left eye showing the characteristics of diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, and microaneurysms. Not only does this scan identify eye abnormalities, but it also indicates that the patient has diabetes - something that the patient may not even be aware of because a FUNDUS Eye Scan can detect diabetes in its very early stages:

What I have experienced in both my recent eye exam on Wed, Sept 5th, 2018, and in my previous eye exam back in August of 2013 is Very Significant! The FUNDUS Eye Scans in my recent eye exam and in my eye exam from five years ago both indicated perfect eye health and excellent overall health with no notable health issues in my body, including no signs of high blood pressure, hypertension, coronary artery disease, or diabetes.
My recent FUNDUS Eye Scan showed No Signs of Aging!
Most notably - the recent FUNDUS Eye Scan that I had greatly impressed my doctor - because he found absolutely No Signs of Aging as compared to my previous FUNDUS Eye Scan from 5 years ago!
Without question - The A.G.E. PILL has clearly delivered some powerful age-reversing benefits here! Per the results of my FUNDUS Eye Scan and my vision testing - my eye doctor did not need to prescribe stronger eyeglasses for me because my eyesight has not deteriorated with age, as it normally does with everyone else as they grow older.
So now I can include not needing a stronger eyeglass prescription over my previous prescription from 5 years ago - along with the other great things I've experienced over my first year on The A.G.E. PILL, including losing that extra 10 pounds I was never able to lose for the past 30 years (thanks to the Lipofuscin-flushing action of The A.G.E. PILL) and looking and feeling much younger, and having much more energy than I did a year ago!
In my case, this is truly exceptional - because in addition to my battling Heart Disease for over 32 years before Sisel's Eternity resolved it, I was born with vision problems and I never had perfect eyesight from the outset. But now, at age 67 - my vision is clearer and sharper than it has ever been in my life, and my Fusdus Eye Scans also verify that I no longer have Heart Disease as well!
This is all Dramatic Medical Proof of the Effectiveness of Sisel's Advanced Nutraceutical Products - the World's Most Scientifically Advanced Nutraceutical Products - including The A.G.E. PILL - the Most Effective and Powerful Age-Reversing Product in the Entire World - with absolutely No Competition in the Global Marketplace!
After 32 years of trying virtually every other nutritional product out there and having no improvement in my heart health or in my vision - I am so absolutely impressed with my exceptional heart health and with the major improvements in my eyesight since I got started on Sisel's Advanced Nutritional Products back in August of 2009.
This is Truly Monumental! It is Proof Positive that Sisel's Nutritional Products are Hands Down and Without Question the World's Finest!
And as Great as Sisel's World-Leading Age-Reversal Product: The A.G.E. PILL is, it is about to get Even Better! Stay tuned for the details coming soon about the new, enhanced, and more powerful than ever third-generation version of The A.G.E. PILL!
Seeing is BELIEVING! - The Changes in me are Clear to See!
Not only do I look much younger than I did a year ago before I started taking 6 Capsules daily of The A.G.E. PILL (3 in the AM and 3 in the PM) but what I feel like is almost indescribable! I mean I literally feel like a whole new person who feels so great that it's almost as if I feel like I no longer have any feeling of aging and I feel like I can live forever without ever growing older anymore!!!
This picture of me was taken on April 21st of 2017 - three months before Sisel first introduced The A.G.E. Pill.
April 21st of 2017 - three months before Sisel first introduced The A.G.E. PILL
Taken on June 20th, 2018. At that time I had been taking 6 Capsules daily of The A.G.E. PILL for 11 months