We all have Candida in our bodies... but it's the OVER GROWTH that is the concern...
Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth in the body
Toenail Fungus - Vaginal Yeast Infections - Skin Rashes & Irritations - Fatigue - Sleeplessness - Weight Gain -
Bloating - Gas - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Constipation - Fungal infections - Athlete's Foot
The Sisel solution to this problem; reduce foods high in refined sugars and HFCS
(High Fructose Corn Syrup) -- and take a powerful Probiotic Supplement like Balance D
pre & pro biotics + Vitamin D
At the Sisel Convention in Las Vegas they introduced Balance D - we believe the Most Effective Probiotic supplement ever formulated. It's effectiveness is enhanced by the unique Pre-biotic additives that we believe make it out-perform all other Probiotic supplements.

Balance-D . You'll find it under: Dietary Supplements on your Sisel Company Site and on the HOME page BALANCE D tab on this website.
Suffered by Leonardo da Vinci, Charles Darwin and King Henry VIII, gout – or the ‘disease of kings’ – is associated with rich living and red wine. But does red wine cause gout?
Gout is a form of arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the body. Uric acid is produced to break down the ‘purines’, present in all food. If your kidneys don’t process uric acid effectively, purine can form as crystals in the joints, causing severe pain, particularly in the big toe, but also in the instep, heel, ankle, knee, wrist, finger and elbow. Other symptoms include: painful swelling and red skin around the joint, mild fever and firm white lumps beneath the skin.
No one really knows why some people develop gout and others don't. You will be more likely to suffer if you are a man aged 40 to 65 (women are less likely to suffer), have a family history of the disease, have kidney disease, are overweight, eat a diet that contains high levels of purines, have high blood pressure, or have injured a joint.
Although all food contains purines, some foods have concentrated amounts, including alcohol. Beer and spirits contain more purines than red wine. So if you are at high risk for the disease, it could be worth avoiding the following:
alcohol (beer has the highest purine content of all alcohol)
red meat
fish and seafood
vegetables such as asparagus, cauliflower, peas and lentils.

Balance D also helps with gout. The chickory root helps reduce uric acid levels.