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Like the burning of a fuse, telomeres at the ends of our chromosomes steadily shorten every time a cell replicates itself.

Studies show plenty of triggers that accelerate telomere shortening, including oxidative stresses, inflammation, and obesity.  Shortened telomeres are found in people with age-related disorders such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurodegeneration, and osteoporosis.  Not surprisingly then, the search is on for ways to preserve telomere length in normal cells, with the aim of sustaining cellular youth and healthy functioning.


To delay this cellular aging, human T cells, which are critical in the immune control over infections and cancer, activate the enzyme telomerase, which binds and extends the telomeres. Several different extracts from the Astragalusmembranaceus root have been documented to activate telomerase activity in human T cells.


Cells naturally contain an enzyme called telomerase, which adds new DNA to the ends of telomeres, helping to keep them long enough to support cellular activities.  In the past few years, scientists have accumulated an impressive array of evidence showing that one way of supporting healthy, long telomeres is to get an adequate intake of vitamins.

There is now intriguing evidence demonstrating how supplemental vitamins can preserve telomere length and sustain more youthful cell functions.

An exciting new area of medical and anti-aging research concerns an aspect of genetics called the telomeres.  These are strands of DNA at the ends of each of your chromosomes.  At conception there are at least 15,000 to 35,000 pairs of them linked to the end of each chromosome in your body.  As you age, they deteriorate, and the telomeres become shorter and shorter.  When there are only about 4,000 pairs of them left, the DNA cannot replicate itself properly and health suffers.  At that point, most people die of old age.

Researchers observe that anything that keeps the telomeres intact longer and ideally, increases their length, will decrease or inhibit aging.  This is very exciting news as it gives scientists a way to check how “old” your body is on the inside without surgery.

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Doctor's Call:
Astragalosides in TS-X are approximately at 30% more concentrated levels and bacosides are approximately at 50% higher levels
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